When it comes to roofing repair or roof replacement for your Dallas area home, there are five important things to keep in mind when choosing a roofing contractor. This post will help you avoid the five biggest mistakes homeowner’s make when choosing a roofer.
Mistake #1: Failing to use a sufficiently insured company
While it may be tempting to save money by picking a handyman from Craigslist or from a flyer on your door, ultimately this can cost you more money in the long run and leave you vulnerable. Any good roofing contractor will have the necessary insurance requirements set forth by the state in which it is operating.
Mistake #2: Does the contractor stand behind their work?
You always want to work with a roofing company that guarantees both work and materials. Beware of slippery guarantees that only cover one or the other. All good roofing companies will stand proudly behind their work and use only the best roofing materials available.
Mistake #3: Find a contractor that will work with your insurance.
If you sustained hail damage or other types or damage to your roof, then there is a good chance that your insurance company will cover some, if not all, of the damage. You will want to work with a roofing company that has experience in dealing with the various insurance companies so you don’t get taken advantage of.
Mistake #4: Work only with experienced roofing companies.
Experienced roofers who have worked with all styles of roofing are better suited for your roofing job. With so many options available today, you need a seasoned contractor who can handle your residential or commercial roofing needs.
Mistake #5: Get all estimates in writing.
When interviewing potential contractors, you want to make sure that you get all estimates in writing so you know exactly what type of materials, and their respective warranty period, you are getting a quote on. If company A is providing 20-year shingles and company B is providing 50-year shingles, that is important information to note in the decision-making process. Get everything in writing so you can compare apples-to-apples.
Roof replacement is one of the largest investments a homeowner can make. It is also vital to adding more life and value to the infrastructure. The quality of the roof completely depends upon the roofing materials used and the roofing company that installs it.