When you are buying a house, do you look inside all of the houses you are considering or do you review the “curb side appeal” first?
Curb side appeal is one of the most important considerations when buying and selling a home. So why is it that kitchen’s and bathroom’s always make the top of the list? No doubt they are two of the most important areas of your home, but without appealing curb side appeal, nobody will see your epic kitchen or bathroom.
In fact, on January 29, 2013 Realtors® declared that, “Exterior Replacement Projects Provide Biggest Return on Investment for Homeowners.”
In the same article, by Realtors®, they declared that, “Three different siding replacement projects landed in the top 10, including fiber cement siding, expected to return 79.3 percent of costs, vinyl siding, expected to return 72.9 percent of costs, and foam backed vinyl, expected to return 71.8 percent of costs.”
We’ve discussed siding vs. stucco in the past, so you are already aware of the superior advantages of stucco and therefore can recoup even more value with a stucco project than a siding project, as discussed here.
Mark Daniel Exteriors provides all of the stone options discussed in the above article.
The next time you are considering an upgrade to your home, consider one of the best options available…stucco or stone.