
What are Architectural Roofing Shingles?

Architectural Roof Shingles
Architectural roofing shingles are designed to make a shingle roof look more like a shake roof. However, the benefits of architectural shingles goes beyond their visual appeal.

3 Benefits to Architectural Roofing Shingles

  1. 3-tab shingles (traditional looking shingles) are typically rated for winds up to 60 mph. Architectural shingles can withstand winds up to 110 – 130 mph.
  2. Life expectancy can be 25 – 50 years vs. 10 – 15 for some 3-tab shingles.
  3. Due to the added protection and visual enhancement, they can increase the resale value of your home.

Manufacturers of Architectural Roofing Shingles

Some of the more popular options when it comes to this energy-saving style of shingle would be:
CertainTeed’s Landmark Solaris
Owens Corning ’s Duration Premium Cool Shingles
GAF’s Timberline Cool Series Energy-Saving Shingles.

Things to Consider

With any roofing material, you want to make sure that you consider the environment for which the shingles will installed it. If you have excessive heat or cold temperatures, that could factor into the buying decision.

The installation of the shingles is also a very important factor to consider. You want to use a roofing company that has experience with the type of shingles you are considering.

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Maximize Curb Appeal for Your Dallas Home

In a previous post about the Best ROI on Home Updates we mentioned that “…Realtors® declared that, Exterior Replacement Projects Provide Biggest Return on Investment for Homeowners.”

But which exterior updates provide the best ROI?

According to an infographic, produced by Walls & Ceiling Magazine, your roof is a full 30% of what people see when they are evaluating “curb appeal.” Therefore it makes sense that the average homeowner recovers 67% of their investment into a new roof.

Check out some of the other interesting facts about curb appeal and the resale viability of homes.


Mark Daniel Exteriors offers roof replacement and residential stucco services for maximizing your home’s curb appeal in DFW.

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What Kind of Roof Do I Have?

When it comes to understanding roofing 101 terminology, or even deciphering what style of roof you have, nothing is better than a handy infographic to visually represent exactly what you need to know.

In this handy infographic, by Homes & Land, you can not only decode the different types of roof shapes, but also the different roof materials.

There is also a handy section for roofing vocabulary and “things to know when preparing for a new roof installation.”

We hope you find it handy.


Be sure to check out all of Mark Daniel Exterior’s roofing services for the DFW Metroplex.

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Light Colored Shingles Can Save Energy Expenses

stucco color selectionWhen it comes to picking out the color or your next roof’s shingles, you have factors like the color of the exterior of the home, homeowner’s association guidelines, and the impact on energy expenses for your home. In the DFW Metroplex, that third variable (impact on energy expenses) might be more significant than you think.

Let’s say you have two houses in Plano Texas…one with a white roof and another with a black roof and it is a 90 degree here is Texas. What do you think the temperature of the roof would be for both houses?

If you guessed that the white roof would have a temperature of 110 degrees and the black roof had a temperature of 190 degrees, you would be correct.

Sure, factors like how much attic insulation you have, if you have a radiant barrier or not, and how much roofing ventilation you have are all going to impact the heat radiating factor transferring into your home but an 80 degree difference from just a color difference is a big factor to consider.

When it comes time for roof replacement for your home, be sure to discuss your color options and roofing insulation with your roofing contractor. You could save 20% or more on your next energy bill.

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The Importance of Proper Roofing Ventiliation

When it comes to securing the longevity of your roof, one of the most overlooked areas is roofing ventilation. While routine maintenance of things like keeping your gutters and downspouts clean is highly advised, roofing ventilation should not be overlooked as a key component to roof longevity.

Why Attic Ventilation is Important

roof-ventilation-systemSo what exactly happens if you don’t have enough or proper roofing ventilation? One problem that occurs is with a lack of ventilation is the build-up of mold and mildew. These contaminates are created by the humidity and warm air that is built up in your attic. With improper attic ventilation, moisture and heat build-up can also cause premature aging of your roofing materials. The lack of ventilation or the improper one can create forming of ice dams as well.

Getting the Proper Amount of Vents

When it comes to determining the amount of vents you “should” have is determined by the size of the attic and your roofing configuration. One commonly accepted sizing calculation is one square foot of vent opening per 175 square feet of attic. While in some cases, the more vents the better, there should also be some consideration as to the best places to have the attic vents based off of the attic in question.

In the end, the best approach is to have a professional roofing company assess your particular roof and attic so you can be assured that you are getting the most efficiency from your roofs ventilation.

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Roofing Radiant Barrier Home Improvement

In today’s post we’re going to discuss lowering your carbon footprint, saving money on your utility bills, and investing in a more comfortable home with radiant barriers. Many people don’t know what a radiant barrier is, but it is one of the most energy efficient updates you can do to your home. In Texas, where we get extremely heat in the summer, radiant barriers pay for themselves quickly.

What is a Radiant Barrier?

radiantbarrierThink of a radiant barrier as a blanket for your home that prevents heat transfer via thermal radiation. In other words, it is a “blanket” for your home in the winter (keeping heat in) and a barrier for your home in the summer (keeping heat out). While attic insulation tends to work in the same way, insulation tends to provide a barrier at the wall/ceiling level whereas a radiant barrier lines the underside of your roof.

How does a Radiant Barrier Work?

When heat energy strikes your roof, the shingles are heated by conduction, causing the underside of the roofing materials to radiate heat downward through the attic toward the direction of your home. A radiant barrier placed in the attic reflects part of that heat back toward the roof and prevents most of that heat from radiating down into the rooms below the ceiling/attic. This happens with the radiant barriers’ property of low emissivity. At the same time, a majority of that heat becomes reflected back out through the property of high reflectance. As a result of this, the top side of the insulation remains cooler than it would have been if the radiant barrier wasn’t installed and helps keep your home cool.

Installing Radiant Barrier

Now that we know what a radiant barrier is and how it works, the next question becomes how do you install it? While a radiant barrier can be installed by a good do-it-yourself homeowner, it is very important to follow the manufacturers directions for the particular kind you purchase. While it may be tempting to watch some tutorial videos online and then dive in yourself to save a few bucks, another option is to consider the benefits of a professional roofing installer. Trust the experts to give you that added benefit of a proper installation, so you can get the most benefit from your insulation.

While radiant barriers may not be as exciting of a home upgrade as a new lawn or a new couch, the long-term benefits of it cannot be argued. Saving money on your utility bills (approximately 10%), using less energy (lower carbon footprint), and enjoying a more comfortable home are all a part of “living the dream” with your home. Regardless of the type of radiant barrier you choose, you can be sure you will “feel” the difference.

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5 Reasons to Get a New Roof

When it comes time to consider replacing your home’s roof, you should use the following five guidelines to help you better make the commitment to a new roof.

Roofing Shingles

#1: Increased energy efficiency

Older roofs were usually made with minimal weatherproofing and insulation. As time went by and the house aged, the roof and the attic actively started leaking heat and cooling resulting in higher energy bills. If you have a badly damaged roof, you may have noticed slowly increasing energy bills every year. Replacing your roof could ensure better energy efficiency and lower bills per month.

#2: Better safety and resale value

With a new roof, you and your family are safer and your home will have a much higher value. A new roof is also more appealing and it can actually raise the curbside value of your home by as much as 25%.

#3: Better materials = better durability

With technological advances, it has now become possible to use newer and better materials to build homes. This is also applicable on roof renovations. Contractors now offer a range of innovative building techniques and materials that ensure a longer life for your roof.

#4: Tax benefits

Replacing a roof is also a great time to get tax benefits on the roof replacement procedure. According to the latest rulings, adding an efficient roof to your home could help you get a $500 credit from the IRS. Please consult a tax professional for details and the latest changes to the ever-evolving tax laws.

Better ventilation and health

A new roof will ensure better ventilation for your home. Improving the ventilation of your home can be a great way to improve your indoor air quality, which can be worse than outdoor air in many cases.

As you can see, the decision to replace your roof requires much more than just determining if you are tired of constant roof repairs. Better materials, tax breaks, and improved home efficiency are all factors that should be considered.

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Roofing Company

mistakesWhen it comes to roofing repair or roof replacement for your Dallas area home, there are five important things to keep in mind when choosing a roofing contractor. This post will help you avoid the five biggest mistakes homeowner’s make when choosing a roofer.

Mistake #1: Failing to use a sufficiently insured company

While it may be tempting to save money by picking a handyman from Craigslist or from a flyer on your door, ultimately this can cost you more money in the long run and leave you vulnerable. Any good roofing contractor will have the necessary insurance requirements set forth by the state in which it is operating.

Mistake #2: Does the contractor stand behind their work?

You always want to work with a roofing company that guarantees both work and materials. Beware of slippery guarantees that only cover one or the other. All good roofing companies will stand proudly behind their work and use only the best roofing materials available.

Mistake #3: Find a contractor that will work with your insurance.

If you sustained hail damage or other types or damage to your roof, then there is a good chance that your insurance company will cover some, if not all, of the damage. You will want to work with a roofing company that has experience in dealing with the various insurance companies so you don’t get taken advantage of.

Mistake #4: Work only with experienced roofing companies.

Experienced roofers who have worked with all styles of roofing are better suited for your roofing job. With so many options available today, you need a seasoned contractor who can handle your residential or commercial roofing needs.

Mistake #5: Get all estimates in writing.

When interviewing potential contractors, you want to make sure that you get all estimates in writing so you know exactly what type of materials, and their respective warranty period, you are getting a quote on. If company A is providing 20-year shingles and company B is providing 50-year shingles, that is important information to note in the decision-making process. Get everything in writing so you can compare apples-to-apples.

Roof replacement is one of the largest investments a homeowner can make. It is also vital to adding more life and value to the infrastructure. The quality of the roof completely depends upon the roofing materials used and the roofing company that installs it.

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Best Home Improvements for House Flippers

So you just bought a house to flip in the Dallas – Ft. Worth area and you are interested in learning what are the best areas of the home to improve for maximum return on your investment. You might be surprised to learn that roofing is #5 on a lot of lists.

Let’s get out of the way the obvious…yes kitchen and bathroom upgrades are great investment. As we discussed in our previous post, stucco/exteriors are also very high on the list.

roof-repair-issuesRoofing is justifiably at #5 or higher, depending on the list, because even the most inexperienced home buyer can tell you if the roof is in bad condition. A simple drive by is all that is required.

Repair vs. Replacement

We have written extensively on the repair vs. replace dilemma, but it really depends on your project (and budget) as to if you should repair (and that will pass inspections) or if you just replace and be done with it.

A good roofing company should be able to help you decide which is best for your project. So the next time you want to flip a property in the Dallas – Ft. Worth area, give Mark Daniel Exteriors a call and we can advise you not only on your roofing needs, but also your exterior/stone/stucco needs.

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Hail Damage Roof Repair

In Texas, we feel the damaging effects of mother nature every spring. When she strikes with full force, devastation is witnessed on a wide scale. One of the most destructive forces of nature is hail, especially hail damage to roofs of homeowners. Hailstorms have the ability to cause a great deal of damage to roofs, but can also leave damage without homeowners becoming aware of the damage until it is too late. This of course is due to the fact that the roof is the most exposed part of a home. The good news is that hail-damaged roofs can be repaired, and this is what this article will focus on.

DIY vs. Contractor

Once you notice that your roof has suffered hail damage, the best thing to do is call in a roofing contractor. Luckily, in Dallas, there are excellent roofing companies to choose from like Mark Daniel Exteriors. It is not advisable to attempt to carry out repairs all by yourself and more so if you do not possess the necessary skills. A good roofing contractor will provide you with all the help you need to get your roof back in good condition.

The major difference between carrying out the repairs yourself and calling in an expert is that the latter will not work on a trial and error basis. Roofing contractors are trained to deal with roof damage effectively and precisely and, therefore, you can be sure that they fully understand what needs to be done to restore your roof. A roofing contractor will also help with the insurance headache. They will carry out an inspection of your roof and come up with a report that will be used to make a claim. An insurance company may not trust your claims of having hail damage, but they can’t just ignore an assessment report from a certified roofing contractor.

There are various types of damage that hail storms can cause to a roof. First, the force with which hailstones fall from the sky, in some cases, may be enough to rapture the reinforcing mat. Hailstones can also loosen shingles as well as break them. The older a roof is the more damage it is likely to suffer from a hailstorm. Also, the larger the hail stones, the more damage they are likely to cause to a roof.

Hail Storm Damage

Hailstorm statistics in Texas is quite baffling. First and foremost it might be important to note that hailstorms don’t get as much news coverage as other natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. As a result, one might think that this type of disaster is insignificant — far from it. Hail damage insurance claims that were paid in Texas between 1999 and 2011 amounted to more than 10 billion dollars. This is more than what was paid out to cover damages caused by both hurricanes and tornadoes. In May 1995, Fort Worth and Dallas were hit by hailstorms that caused 2 billion dollars in damage.

From the above, it is quite clear that if you live in Texas, there is a high likelihood that you will suffer hail damage at one time or another. A good roofing contractor can prove very useful in helping you recover by carrying out the actual repairs as well as getting your insurance company to fund the project.

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